a、她一定是背叛自己了 —— 轉 8題
b、她是為了幫助自己才去和那人親近 —— A
c、偶然談得來而已,跟自己沒什麼關係—— B
a、看准目標,一買到位—— C
b、貨走三家,慢慢相看—— D
c、碰上需要的就隨便買了—— B
A. 半男性型:
你有著女性的柔韌和男性的機敏,能夠圓滑處世,保持自己的立身之道不被動搖。職場上也能混到八面玲瓏的程度。不過有時候決斷力不夠強,欠缺剛陽的力量,因 此無法成為霸主類型的人物。你最適合擔任中層人員或者外聯工作,你的中性特質給了你特有的狡猾與聰敏,不過一旦無法看清前面的方向,你也更容易陷入混亂 中。
診斷:中性的特徵讓你在男女兩中性別中都能遊刃有餘地與之相處,如果分一下流派,你應該屬於"泥鰍功 "門下。
B. 陽性型:
你的個性已經超脫了女強人的陽剛,有時候表現為大大咧咧不拘小節,也會被人認為有點沒心沒肺,你可能認為是性格使然,其實你的大腦性別男性化的一部分占了 主導地位,細節上可能並不讓人覺得陽剛過度,反而會覺得隨意性太強。此外你在理化科目方面可能表現非凡,不過你倒也並不會異常刻苦學習。
診斷:男性型女孩在異性眼中會別有一番 "迷糊 "風味,男生和你相處的時候很少覺得不自然,反倒相談融洽。所以不必擔心沒有異性緣呢。
C. 偏男性型:
你屬於女強人式的性格,有些時候會表現出過分的爭強好勝或者急功近利,事實上是因為你不想輸給異型的強烈好勝心作祟。你很有潛力成為女權主義者或者老總級 人物,只要恰到好處地運用你在分析和推理方面的長處,就會讓周圍人見示到你的才幹。不過你頭腦中仍然有女性型別部分,在隨時強調著自己的性別—— 是女人!
診斷:男多女少的大腦性別模式有時候會讓你養成"鑽牛角尖 " 的壞習慣,能改的話就改一改吧。
D. 女性型:
我利用这次的假期把[真爱如血]第三季给看完了. 因为不舍得一口气就把这部只有12集的戏看完, 所以我分了好几天才从容不迫地把它看完了. 看完了之后,我只能说.... 还是大爱啊!!!大爱!!!我爱死这部戏了! 虽然Bill & Sookie 的 sex scene减少了, 但贵精不贵多啊我只能说!!! I'm soooooo looking forward for season 4!
While watching season 3,something hit my mind. It's a scene from season 2, Eric(a vampire) was asking another vampire, why she finds human companionship so fulfilling? And this is how she answers: They feel much more strongly than we do. Everything is urgent, exciting. Maybe because their lives are so temporary. So,this is what immortals see in us. I find this idea somewhat interesting. Our limited lifespan,and the way we live our life so "urgently", is actually interesting for the immortals? Cool idea.No? Read this quote then: It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up -- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had. - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Well,this is what differentiates us from the immortals. They know they will live forever,(well unless you barbecue them under the sun) and they have "forever" to complete one thing. On the other hand,we,as mortals,live our life once. Our lives are so short,so limited,compared to theirs. So why not live our life to the fullest,and make the best out of it? Cool idea.No? Well,I sometimes find this tv series somewhat motivating. Because it makes me think about something that I will not consider normally . Cool.No?
Well,here's another thing that TB had taught me. [Caution:Mature Content!!!!]
So,this is the truth: 1.When a man hates you,he would rather break your neck to turn your head 180°, than look at your face when he fucks you. 2.A man can still fuck a woman even if he hates her to hell. Men can differentiate sex from love,women can't.